Mobile Phone Advertising and Influencer Marketing in Digital Marketing

We understand mobile phone advertising and influencer marketing one by one with the help of questions and answers.
First take mobile phone advertising:
What is Mobile Phone?Mobile Phone is wireless electronic device operated by the rechargeable battery having display, touchpad/keypad, speaker and microphone for making and receiving calls, messages functionality , having various applications running on it and the facility to connecting to the internet.
Mobile Phone when invented, it was used for having wireless communication which includes calls and messages. But, with the advancement of Technology, it was being Upgraded with other functionality and for now, the mobile Phones are used for multiple purposes which includes but are not limited to that of taking photos and videos through in-built camera, playing music, watching videos, surfing internet, playing games, etc.
What is wireless communication?
Wireless communication means on the go communication. Users can talk to other mobile users without restricting to place as it used to be with wired telephone, which was used to make calls only from the place where it is installed by connection of it through wires. The biggest advantage of this would be the functionality to reach out to the mobile user anywhere and anytime provided that the recipient is having the mobile and connected to the network.
Mobile users in the world exceed 5 billion in 2019.
Thus, such a huge potential communication opportunity can be used for Marketing various products / services to gain Business out of it.
Thus, Mobile Phone advertising means advertising of various Business products / services on the Mobile device with the primary intension of having sales of products / services to gain Business.
What are various ways of doing advertisement on the Mobile Phone ?
There are three ways of doing advertisement on the Mobile Phone:
1. Advertising by sending SMS
What is SMS? How can advertisement be done through SMS on Mobile Phones?

SMS is an abbreviation of Short Message Service. This is the messaging service provided by Service provider of Mobile Phones through which users can send Text messages to other mobile Phone users by typing the related message through mobile keypad/touchpad. This facility can be used by Business marketers to do advertisement of their various products and services. Business marketers can send short messages to the subscribers worldwide by taking help of the bulk SMS services to promote their brand, build trust with the targeted audience, increase sales, etc. Above image shows example of advertising message from one of the marketers.
Advantages of SMS advertising:-
- Addresses massive users
There are more than 5 billion mobile users. As per general survey, it is found that people check their mobile phones 80 times a day. Thus, using this mode of marketing, has tremendous chances of getting the required message noticed by the users. It can also help to increase the Brand awareness.
- Global scope of advertisement.
SMS service can be used to send business message to any person across the world using the mobile device. Thus, Business can be promoted worldwide.
- Local business opportunity
Since Marketers can send SMS within specific geographical area, it can be addressed to the required and targeted audience. Thus, local companies can send promotional offers from time to time to attract customers.
- Creating SMS is fast
Creating the SMS is just getting it typed! There is no special design requirement in creating SMS. This feature makes SMS to be one of the fastest methods to create the content for marketing.
- Can be used in conjunction to other mode of marketing
If email marketing is used then, marketers may feel the risk of not having the email read by the recipient. So, they use SMS advertising in conjunction with email marketing. This helps them to deliver the intended message to the targeted users.
2. Advertising by making Call

Because of economic plans provided by Mobile providers to the users, making call is now becoming cheap. Marketers have their customer marketing Team, who can be well trained in making direct marketing calls to the mobile users for various promotion of the Business Products / Services. Marketers will make calls to various users, explain them the benefits of the Business products / services and thereby gain Business. Since this is interactive in nature, any query relating to Product / Service being marketed can be readily clarified and customers can be influenced about the benefits and thereby convince them to buy it. Apart from it, there is also automated recorded marketing call being done to the mobile users to do various kind of business product / service promotion.
3. Display of advertise through various application running on the Mobile device and mobile websites.
Current Smart Mobile Phones are so advanced that various applications from App store can be installed in it. This application includes but are not limited to games, music players, infotainment, etc; Also, websites which were compatible in Computers are now having their mobile compatibility website version. This functionality raises an opportunity to have advertisement over the application and mobile websites to target massive users.
As seen in the above mobile screen, advertisement would appear over the website or application with various promotional content. This kind of advertise, will appear in small size over the application or website and generally had icon marked cross, which can be clicked to close the ad and resume the application or website being use. This kind of ads will benefit the marketers because of advertise being always noticed by the users. Apart from this, there are skippable and non-skippable advertises displayed between the online videos for users watching the videos to have business promotion.
Thus, we have understood the concept of mobile phone, the advancement in the functionality of mobile phone leading the device to have various additional functionality from just managing calls and messages, thereby had realized the importance of mobile phone because of its massive usage which is exceeding 5 billion users on the Earth and had learnt various ways of advertisement through Mobile Phone.
Secondly Influencer Marketing:-
Influencer Marketing
What is meaning of the keyword Influencer?
Influencer means person or thing that influences another. Influences means to have effect on the targeted audience, probably with the intension to drive some action.
What is Marketing?
In simple terms, marketing means advertisement of the products and services with the primary intension of selling of products and services to gain business.
So, Influencer Marketing simply means advertisement of products / services with the help of Influencer.
Where is Influencer Marketing done?
Influencer Marketing is done on social media platform. Social Media is basically the websites and the applications through which users can share ideas, images, videos and various other contents with other users on the same platform. Some of the examples of Social Media website and Application with their average active users per month are as described :

Facebook - 1.59 billion users active per month
WhatsApp - 1 billion users active per month
QQ - 853 million users active per month
QZone - 640 million users active per month
Tumblr - 555 million users active per month
Instagram - 400 million users active per month
Twitter - 400 million users active per month
Skype - 300 million users active per month
Thus, looking at the above number of monthly active users in various Social Media website and applications, it can be understood that Social Media Platform is in use by massive population on the Earth. Marketing on such Platform has huge potential to gain business out of it and so with that intention, Influencer Marketing is mostly being done over the social media platform.
What kind of effect does Influencer have on the audience in context of Marketing?
Targeted audience will be agreeing on buying of the Product / Services as being marketed by the Influencer, depending on their need. If they do not have immediate need, then they may become loyal towards the brand being marketed by the Influencer and thereby they became potential customers to the brand.
Who are the Influencer?
Influencer is basically the user who have lot of trustworthy and loyal followers and fans on social media. They can be celebrities, social media personality, industry experts, etc;
Having understood the meaning of Influencer Marketing, let us try to understand the Advantages of Influencer Marketing:-

- Building of Trust
When Influencer promotes Company’s brand, people will build Trust for that Brand. This is because, brand if unknown or its product / services not experienced, it is not easy for the customers to Trust it. In this scenario, if Influencer promotes the brand then since the followers and fans are already having Trust on the Influencer, it becomes easy from them to build Trust on the brand and thereby make purchase of the products / services from the brand promoted by the Influencer.
- Increase Brand Awareness
Followers and fans of the Influencer will be continuously following the Influencer. So, during the promotion of various products / services, they will become aware of the brand. Thus, the brand awareness would be increased because of Influencer Marketing.
- Setting up the current Trend

Influencer being social personality, had level of influence on the followers and fans to the extent that the things being done or told by the Influencer becomes the current trend. To understand it, let us take example of scenario where leading celebrity is promoting the clothes brand. The followers and fans would thereby readily get influenced by the brand and because of trust that they already had on this celebrity, they will also start using clothes from that brand. So, clothes from this brand would then become the current trend.
- Effective way of reaching out to the young generation
Current young generation has left behind thetraditional approach of watching the Television advertisement for buying of the products and services. They are now relying on the digital platform for deciding on the things to buy. Thus, Influencer Marketing being done on this digital platform can have better communication of the intended message to the young generation.
- Massive audience can be addressed
Influencer can have millions of followers. As an example, 50 top Influencer on Instagram has more than 2.5 billion followers. Such massive audience, can be addressed with the promotion of Business product / services with the help of Influencer through Influencer Marketing.
- Quick Lead Generation
Lead Generation is process under which strangers and prospects to the brand are attracted and are converted to become loyal members of the brand. People may not have any need to buy soon after the product being promoted by the Influencer, but they, because of the Influencer, gets influenced and will keep the brand in mind when they are having the need of that product / services. They will be having loyalty in their mind towards the brand and hence they can be the potential customers.
Since Influencer has lot of fans and followers, promoting of Business products / service through the Influencer will in turn have direct Impact on the demand of that product / service. Thus, Business growth would be accelerated.
- More effective way of reaching out to consumer than adsAs per General survey, two third of the consumers have kept the ads disabled on smartphone and computers through ad blockers. Thus, genuine and proper content from Influencer is more effective way of reaching the targeted audience.
- Quick Customer addition
Audience being addressed with the help of influencer marketing is essentially the targeted audience only. This targeted audience are already interested in a specialized segment of the market for specific kind of product or service. Thus, this audience are in such state that they are ready to buy the kind of product being promoted by the Influencer which will add customers to the brand being promoted by the Influencer.
Thus, we have understood the meaning of the keyword Influencer in context of Marketing over social media, realized the importance of social media because of its massive usage and had thereby understood various benefits of Influencer Marketing over social media.